Monday, October 20, 2008

Carving up the Highlands Cashiers area....

A South Africans First Halloween....

As he explained to us that he wanted to carve a pumpkin, we replied, "go ahead". Little did we know or even realize that he was from South Africa and had never carved a pumpkin before. We showed him all different types of Jack-O-Lanterns. Well Floris decided he had the artistic ability to carve some pretty intricate designs. Now keep in mind he is a builder by trade so we thought he would be savvy enough to accomplish his seemingly lofty goals.

So he begins to gut the pumpkin and make an awful mess.... I guess we forgot to tell him about newspaper.... After carefully drawing his design on the pumpkin he began carving. The carving was slow going. A few moments later from in the house we heard a loud noise, what could it be??? It was just Floris carving his pumpkin with a jigsaw to make it go faster. A great time was had by all and we got to see Floris carve his first ever pumpkin with a jigsaw.
For more information on how to become a member of our fun-filled mountain community contact The Blue Ridge Summit Group at O: 828-743-7077 C: 404-394-7144

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